All content published on this website is subject to copyright protection. An unauthorised use of any part of the website and its content is considered an infringement of copyright and is liable to legal action.

Users’ data and their security

Users’ personal data will be collected by at certain places within the website and at a certain time. The data will be used for contacting users and for the records and for statistical processing of website visiting rate. Gordana Sermek guarantees that data collected in this way will not be sold.

Editing and deleting of users’ data and the removal of email addresses from mailing lists is possible via links for data removal/ editing which can be found at the bottom of all advertising emails. To get information about their data, users can email to

By sending queries, signing a contract or by immediate contact, a user agrees to put at disposal his/her data, thus allowing them to be used for protecting personal interests in all transactions agreed with Gordana Sermek.

Personal data collection and processing includes their transmission to third persons and companies in the Republic of Croatia and abroad. Third persons include all physical persons and companies that are necessary for the realisation of agreed transactions.

Data is stored for an indefinite period of time.

If you do not agree with the content of the text that follows, please, do not leave your data on this website at any cost.

We will never deliver or reveal users’ data to third persons. It does not include the inspection by authorised executive and judicial power of the Republic of Croatia, for needs of investigation based on a valid court order.

We regularly give our users the option to choose how their data can be used, including the decision if they want or not their data to be removed from the lists used for marketing campaigns.

Cookie policy

In order for the website to work properly and to enable its improvement thus enhancing your browsing experience, the minimum information quantity  (cookies) should be stored on your computer. More than 90% of websites use cookies and according to the European Union regulations they have to ask for a user’s consent. By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies. If you block them, you will still be able to browse the website, but it may have an impact on its functionality.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a piece of information stored on a computer while browsing a website you have visited. Cookies make the use simpler as they store your settings for the website (language or address) and reactivate  them during your next visit. In that way, information is adjusted to your needs and usual methods of use.

Cookies can store from simple information about settings to a great number of personal information (name, e-mail address) for which you need to give your consent. If you have not allowed them this, cookies cannot access files on your computer. You cannot see the activities of storing and sending cookies. However, in your chosen internet browser settings you can choose the option of allowing/ refusing requests for storing cookies, deleting stored cookies and other activities connected with the use of cookies.

How to disable cookies?

By turning off cookies you do not allow their storage on your computer. Cookie settings can be configured and changed in a chosen internet browser. In order to see the settings, choose a browser that you use (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 7 and 8,  Opera or Safari (websites in English)). If you disable cookies you will not be able to use certain functionalities of websites.

What are temporary cookies?

Temporary or session cookies are removed from your computer by closing the browser you used for navigating a website. By these cookies, websites store temporary data.

What are persistent cookies?

Persistent or stored cookies remain on your computer even after closing a browser. By these cookies, websites store data in order to ease your use. For example, websites which require a user’s name and a password, will ‘remember’ your entry which will appear whenever you visit them. Persistent cookies will be recorded on a computer for days, months or years.

What are first party cookies?

First-party cookies come from the website you are visiting and can be temporary or persistent. In that way, websites store data that will ease your use whenever you visit that website.

What are third-party cookies?

Third-party cookies come to your computer from other websites which can be found on a website you are currently visiting. These are, for examples pop-up adverts where cookies have a role to follow-up website for advertising purposes.

Does this website use cookies?

Yes, this website uses cookies to provide you with simpler and better user experience.

Which cookies are used by this website?

Session cookies –  these are cookies which will automatically be deleted when you close the internet browser you use. Persistent cookies – these are cookies which will remain ‘recorded’ in your internet browser until they expire or until you delete them manually. Collected information is anonymous and does not include your personal data.

Are there third-party cookies on the website?

There are several external services which store limited cookies and are not placed by this website. Limited cookies enable free use of options which allow users a simple access to a content. This website enables:

Measuring visits

The website uses Google Analytics – a service for measuring visits. If you want to disable storage of cookies by this service, forbid it on the following link: Google Analytics –

Additional information on turning off cookies

There are several websites for turning off the storage of cookies for various services. Read more information at the following links:


These conditions are applied since 1.1.2019


Pravila korištenja


Podaci korisnika i njihova sigurnost

Na određenim mjestima unutar web stranice i u određeno vrijeme će se prikupljati osobne podatke korisnika. Ti podaci će se koristiti u svrhu kontakata i evidencije korisnika, te u svrhu statističke obrade posjećenosti web stranice.

Gordana Sermek jamči da podatke koje prikupi na taj način neće prodavati.

Uređivanje i brisanje korisničkih podataka, te uklanjanje e-mail adresa iz mailing listi, moguće je putem linkova za uklanjanje / uređivanje podataka koji se nalaze u podnožju svih promotivnih e-mailova. Za informacijama o njihovim podacima, korisnici se mogu obratiti putem e-mail adrese

Slanjem upita, potpisom ugovora ili neposrednim kontaktom, korisnik dobrovoljno stavlja na raspolaganje svoje podatke i time dozvoljava da se isti koriste u cilju zaštite osobnih interesa u svim poslovima koje ugovara s Gordanom Sermek.

Skupljanje i obrada osobnih podataka korisnika uključuje i prosljeđivanje istih trećim osobama i trgovačkim društvima u Republici Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu. Trećim osobama smatraju se sve fizičke osobe i trgovačka društva koje su neophodne za realizaciju ugovorenih poslova.

Pohrana podataka se vrši na neodređeno vrijeme.

Korištenje kolačića (cookies) na web stranici

Kako bi se osigurao ispravan rad web stranice, ponekad na vaše uređaje pohranjujemo male podatkovne datoteke poznate pod nazivom kolačići. Isto čini i većina velikih web-mjesta.

Što su kolačići?

Kolačić je mala datoteka teksta koja se pohranjuje na računalo ili mobilni uređaj pri posjetu određenom web-mjestu. S pomoću kolačića web-mjesto pamti vaše radnje i željene postavke (poput prijave, jezika, veličine fonta i drugih željenih postavki koje se odnose na prikaz) tijekom duljeg razdoblja, pa ih nije potrebno ponovno unositi pri svakom povratku na web-mjesto odnosno pri pregledavanju njegovih različitih stranica.

Kolačići (cookies) su podaci poslani sa web stranice i spremljeni na korisnikov internet preglednik, u toku pregledavanja web stranice. Svakim korištenjem web stranice, preglednik šalje kolačiće natrag na server, kako bi informirao web stranicu o prethodnim aktivnostima korisnika.

Kolačići su dizajnirani kao pouzdani mehanizmi za pamćenje informacija (kao što su npr. proizvodi košarice), ili da bilježe druge korisnikove aktivnosti (klikanje na određene linkove, logiranje, posjećene stranice i sl.).

Na web stranici u svrhu uvida u statistiku posjećenosti koristi se Google Analytics, koji omogućava uvid u posjećenost s izvora kao što su društvene mreže, e-mailovi, oglašivačke platforme, web tražilice i  drugi online servisi i alati.

Ukoliko korisnik ne želi prihvatiti korištenje kolačića na web stranici, može ih blokirati putem tipke na alatnoj traci koja se prikazuje u podnožju web stranice.

Blokiranje kolačića u internet preglednicima moguće je uz upute na linku

Ukoliko korisnik nakon prihvaćanja ili blokiranja želi promijeniti postavke korištenja kolačića putem alatne trake na web stranici (ponovno ih prihvatiti ih ili blokirati), može to napraviti najprije brisanjem kolačića u svom internet pregledniku (višo o tome na, nakon čega će se prilikom sljedećeg dolaska na web stranicu alatna traka s informacijama i kolačićima ponovno pokazati.

Kako se kontroliraju kolačići?

Kolačiće možete kontrolirati i/ili izbrisati prema želji. Više informacija potražite na:  Možete izbrisati sve kolačiće koji su već pohranjeni na računalu, a postavke većine preglednika omogućuju blokiranje pohrane kolačića. Ako blokirate kolačiće, možda ćete pri svakom posjetu web-mjestu morati ručno prilagođivati neke željene postavke, a određene usluge i funkcije možda neće biti dostupne.


Ovi uvjeti primjenjuju se od 1.1.2019.


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